I’m really stressed about my essay and school in general right now. There are also another million things that I cannot shake off, but I won’t bother you with them.
Some of them got to me last night, however, and resulted in me laying awake for over two hours.
Do I wake Charlie and actually talk about these things that are troubling me?
No, I cried silently for over an hour instead. It’s been over a year since the last time I cried due to emotions so last night was not a treat as you can imagine.
I just felt so tired of everything. And broken. I’m too scared to talk about what I feel and think so it felt kind of comforting, to know that I can show some kind of upset emotion at least. Letting my tears speak for me.
I did actually tell him about some of it when we got up this morning, which is a huge step for me.
I have no idea how to share my own emotions and I’m horrible at communication, but I’d still like to think that I took a step in the right direction this morning
Känner igen mig.
SvaraRaderaHade kronisk huvudvärk hela dagen igår för att jag legat och gråtit hela natten och morgonen.
Ibland blir allt bara skit och pest, men det viktigaste man ska komma ihåg att det går över. Ibland vet man inte hur lång tid det kan ta, helt beroende på hur motiverad man är till att antingen ta tag i problemet eller att kliva över det.
Det jag ville ha sagt; var aldrig rädd för att prata om det som tynger dig för det kan göra mer skada om du tvingar in det än om du faktiskt delar det med någon annan. Och det är SANT!